
Showing posts from February, 2020

Grocery Helper

What's on sale this week? So many choices.  One big red pepper.   Now on to the cookie aisle.

Ready to ride

Mount my horse and grab my drum. The calvary is on on its way!

For posterity

Like great dinner music, Little Elephant, Tiny Tiger, Baby Bear, Little Moo, Cuddly Crocodile, Happy Monkey, Cuddly Kitten, Little Puppy, Little Lamb, and Baby Bunny hit the sweet spot of being entertaining without being TOO entertaining. Thanks for keeping us company on the potty.

Little Richard's Birthday Party!

Richard turned 7!  Toby saw the cake and shouted "I'm going to get chocolate ALL over." First, grab a seat next to our neighbor for safety.  Then be sure to try the spoon.  Now Cake and Ice Cream!  Mission Accomplished.

Down on the farm

A little sunshine on the farmer and his barn. Time to be awake chickens!

Say what?

That feeling when you're not sure what that announcement said, but you're pretty sure it wasn't good. 


I mean, this floor isn't going to sweep itself. 

M&M dreams

The face you make when you're dreaming of M's but a peanut butter sandwich is what's being served.

The love of a bear

Sometimes you just need one more bear snuggle. 


I'm pretty sure the trouble starts when they KNOW they're cute...


We are currently loving the idea of picnics. I would say that things could only improve as the weather gets warmer and we can do REAL picnics. But given how we feel about birds/bugs/squirrels/dogs/other living creatures, this is probably the height of perfection. 


I've found your problem.  This screw right here. (My bill will be in the mail.)

Wintertime Chalk

It was a milder day than usual and Toby recently found the box of chalk, so we went outside: "What if we try purp... wait, I'm not wearing purple.  That won't look good in the photo" "Dad, don't you think I should use this Blue chalk 'cause my coat is blue?" "Me too.  But hold on, aren't I also wearing a green hoodie? Blue AND Green it is.  Oh, and your jacket and hoodie match too Daddy!"

Side eye

Mom, I will tolerate ONE picture. That's it.


When everyone in the house gets sick it's good to do a check-up of all your guys too. Elmo wasn't pleased that he needed shots. Especially the shot in the eye.  

Under the weather

When you're not feeling well but it IS nice to have unlimited access to Sesame Street. 

Weighing the options

Do I want to paint with red paint on a red heart? Hmmmm.

Choose wisely

There's a song on Daniel Tiger that says "it's almost time to go, so pick one more thing to do". Toby has wisely figured out that he should always choose "eat chocolate chips on an airplane". (When he sits in the green Bumbo seat, he's on an airplane.)

Goldfish face

The many expressions of chowing down on delicious Goldfish.

Master Negotiator

The first step to being a master negotiator,  is to pretend you don't know anything.  Then you hit 'em with something super cute that they can't resist. My latest success? "Mom, I NEED more chocolate ice cream because I'm tiny - look at me!" Then I punctuated it by slapping my belly. Worked like a charm.

Drummer boy

We do many a "hike" around the coffee table. Today's hike happened to involve a drum.  If you're getting this post by email, click on the post title to view the video. 

Opening Move

They say the game is one or lost in the first move.  I'm gonna take my time, Dad.

Looking good

Margaret, it's Friday night and we look fabulous. Let's hit the town.

Back at the Gym(boree)

Photos are partly representative of our experience. Be aware - crawling babies (much like dogs and cats) require constant vigilance. Never take your eyes off them!

Not a bad way to end the night

You'll want to have your volume on for this one. If you're getting this post by email, click on the post title to view the video.

When you thought it was Friday...

...and you were ready to party... But then someone told you it was only Tuesday. 

Chef Toby

Ready to take your order! .

Super Sunday

Snacks in my tent. This is the life.  Now time to lay back. Relax. Never mind.  Gotta go.