
Showing posts from July, 2020


That moment when you climb up on the rail all by yourself...and then you realize you don't know how to get down.

Chocolate Croissant

We have a pretty great French Bakery in our neighborhood - La Boulangerie de Fran ç ios.  This weekend we made a special trip and took a blanket to the park.  Delicious!   It should be noted that Toby asked Mommy if she wanted to share his croissant. Daddy was totally going to offer, but he was too busy taking pictures.


It's so hot, I think I might actually be melting. Seriously, Mom, stop with the pictures and find me a popsicle. And, no, for the millionth time I will not go in that sprinkler. That would be absurd.

Picture within a picture

We walked into Walgreens and Toby exclaimed, "We're on TV!!!".   He was pretty excited, but confused why Mom and Dad appeared  to be on the opposite sides.

Dinner smiles

Some of these are a little blurry, but they seemed like they were worth posting.

Zebra Airport

Welcome to the Zebra Airport. For all your Zebra Air Travel needs. 

Look good, feel good

He's taken to bushing his hair before going to bed... If you're getting this post by email, click on the post title to view the video.

Library Ramp

Library closed means we have free reign to play on the library ramp. Today, we were happy for some shade to eat some goldfish, and then took  some time to pose with Thomas.  


Toby has become more tolerant of the masks - especially if it means we can walk into stores.

Sheep and Seal

For the purpose of accurate recording, these are the faces you make when pretending that Sheep and Seal (who is more difficult to see in these images, but was definitely present) are pooping in the neighbor's flowers. On scale of amusing to hilarious, this would appear to rank as FRIGGIN' HYSTERICAL!!! (Translation: off the charts.)

A Tiger Family Trip

We coax Toby out by having him take friends.  Recently the dirt at the building next door has been a popular destination. After all that dirt, a ride on the 'Ferriss Wheel' is the best way to end the day.

Snack and Whisk

Dad wasn't around the first time fudgesicles were made, so this time Toby had to show him the ropes.  Eating chocolate chips while whisking is encouraged. If you're getting this post via e-mail, click on the post title to view the video.

Map Making

Puzzle Map + Toys = 3D Map!

Trick or treat

We've been practicing our holidays. Toby likes to be both the trick-or-treater and the trick-or-treated. Here he is waiting for and greeting  a trick-or-treating Dad. 

That smile


Setting the Stage

Putting on a show! The Daniel Tiger curtain has been hung. Off to the left is his lantern (for light). In hand is his microphone (which is attached to his toy cash register). Not sure about the basket of gears on the set - either they are part of the scenery or the stage crew was just not on their game. At this rate, he'll be insisting on a stage manager for the pre-school play (assuming anyone ever goes to school or the theater again).

Olive apples

Ages ago when Toby was a baby, we discovered that he loved eating the frozen olives that we picked off our frozen pizza before cooking it. Turns out, he still enjoys frozen olives, but not paired with apples (as was sampled this evening). (This feels like our one and only venture into trying different foods so it seemed like it should be recorded for posterity.)

The gang's all here

Slumbers, Nightshirt, Pillow, and Blanket. Every day this is crew we shuttle between the bedroom and the living room. Guardians of sleeping and waking. The other toys are nice, but this is where he feels at home. 


Right now he thinks it's the bike's fault that things are once the bike improves, things will be looking up. 

We built this city

Toby and Dad drew the whole town at the playground: restaurant, school, bank, library, apartments, Target, and the zoo. (We're working on our mask wearing. Thanks Great Aunt Lynn!)


Looks like the road repair crew forgot to put their toys away.