Run to the left, then straight, but only if you touch the fence, then back to start and around the box, and stay on the line If you get confused, just follow me.
For some reason, Toby has decided it's much safer to walk down the twisty slide. And yes, those are the Duplo figures (by his foot) who are currently standing in for his classmates. Very possible that they will be frequent guests here on the blog.
It was a year later than planned, but today was our big guy's first day of school. He was a bit nervous but was very brave grabbing his teachers hand and walking in. Only tears so far were Mom and Dad's. Looking forward to a great year with Miss Samira, Miss Marsha, and new friends!
Toby was very pleased with his Birthday cupcakes. He really wanted to help make them. Pink and teal cupcakes were requested. Mommy and Toby mixed the colors together. Then Mommy did the pouring. Adding the sprinkles!