
Showing posts from December, 2020

Rainbow Soup

Today we gathered some ingredients for Rainbow Soup. We'll let you know how it turns out if we ever finish it.   


  A little behind schedule, but better late than never. Putting the finishing touches on these salt dough ornaments. 


Sometimes bathtime gets inquisitive.

Would you rather...

Is it awesome to be able to watch your favorite show and have a snack while mom cuts your hair? Or is it just super annoying to have hair clippers buzzing in your ear while you're trying to enjoy yourself? Who's to say?  

Twice a day

They say this clock on my oven doesn't work, but it's right twice a day! Now to just stay up late enough to see the second time.  

Silent Night

Leaning into this Christmas thing.  

Christmas Morning Excitement

Christmas Morning certainly feels more magical with a toddler in the mix. As always, if you're getting this post via e-mail, click on the subject line to view the videos. (Also, I apparently haven't learned to control the volume of my own voice when recording a video. Apologies for being so loud. I'll keep that in mind in the new year.) Happy holidays to you and yours.  

Christmas Eve

We took a walk after dinner to check out a good tree in our neighborhood. Rockefeller Center will have to wait until next year. Missing our family this year, but grateful to be together and have our health.  

How do they do that?

Checking out how they turn the whole bush blue. (Then yellow, then pink.)  

The More Things Change

  Snow in 2019 Snow in 2020 (it got a much better reception)

Private counsel

Some conversations are too scandalous to be had outside of the bathroom... Oooh. No she didn't! I can't believe that! Real talk. Here's what I would do if I were you.   

Moment in time

Just before the winter weather really arrived, we managed to squeeze in one more family outing. Thank goodness for playgrounds.  

It's Mommy's Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Cotton!  And thank you to all the friends and family who helped us celebrate from afar.     

Flash forward

Street side casual. Pretty sure this is about what he'll look like when he's 10. (Hopefully, we'll be able to forgo the face mask by that point.)  

Coming Down

  Looking at all the snow! Not too many inches, but enough to turn everything white.

Before the storm

Enjoying some of the local decorations while the sidewalks are still walkable. (The best part of this moment was the impressed gasps Toby was giving me as he posed in his stroller.)  

Climbing the Walls

Technically, climbing the headboard, but still. The pictures are a little blurry, but they captured the spiritof the moment.   

Don't be fooled

  This may look like just a ride on a tire swing, but once the shoes meet the pavement there is going to be a ruckus. 

One Thousand!

Today is the 1,000th post on Today's Toby!  The first post was December 18th, 2017. There have been 1,091 days since then. Which means we've had a post on 91.6% of the days since we started. That's not bad, but since April 1st, 2019 we've had posts on 99.5% of days, getting them in  619 of 622 days.  Fortunately for me (Jason), Blogger doesn't have an easy way to tell which one of us posted what percentage of pictures - but I can say with confidence that a very high percentage of them were done by Cotton. Thank you Cotton, for this wonderful record of our son's life thus far. What a treasure.   

Not a bad view

Thanks for being such a goofball, kid. (Though, if we're being honest, based on your gene pool, you were destined for goofiness.)  

Buy the World a Coke

Hmm. I'm going to have to sample this Coke stuff. Well, that was...delicious.  Don't mind if I do! (Special thanks to Great Aunt Bonnie for the fancy glassware.)

New Playground

 Today the weather warmed up just enough to venture out to a new playground. It's a bit of a hike, the amenities were great. Fortunately Dad had scouted it out a couple weeks ago, so we knew to bring the drumsticks out with us. 


Big construction job today. Mom, you drill, I'll hammer. Oh boy, this is gonna take longer than I thought.  

Dad Science

Nothing like some good old baking soda, vinegar, and food coloring.   


Cold weather calls for many articles of clothing.  


Now that the tree's home, it's time to get festive - singing along to the Muppets as we go.