One Thousand!

Today is the 1,000th post on Today's Toby! 

  • The first post was December 18th, 2017. There have been 1,091 days since then. Which means we've had a post on 91.6% of the days since we started.
  • That's not bad, but since April 1st, 2019 we've had posts on 99.5% of days, getting them in  619 of 622 days. 
  • Fortunately for me (Jason), Blogger doesn't have an easy way to tell which one of us posted what percentage of pictures - but I can say with confidence that a very high percentage of them were done by Cotton.
  • Thank you Cotton, for this wonderful record of our son's life thus far. What a treasure. 



  1. Wow, that's hard to believe! But then I go back and look at earlier pictures and think "whoa, Toby is not a baby anymore!! LOL! :)

  2. It has been a true gift to all of us. My thanks to the three of you... M


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